About La Coopération Agricole Laitière
The cooperative model links dairy producers to consumers. Dairy cooperatives collect, process and value milk from their members. Actors of food sovereignty, they guarantee local and sustainable production that ensures the food independence of France. Engaged in domestic and international markets, they are part of export strategies that promote French dairy products internationally and contribute to the country's cultural and economic reach. Finally, they play a decisive role in the lives of rural areas. By supporting local economies, they actively contribute to maintaining agricultural and agri-food jobs and the vitality of these territories.
Dairy Agricultural Cooperation It brings together 240 co-operatives, TPEs, SMEs and major groups, representing dairy cooperatives specializing in the collection of milk (vache, goat, sheep) and its processing into dairy products. With nearly 22,200 employees in France and a turnover of 13 billion euros, they collect 55% of national milk and turn 45% into dairy products such as yogurt, butter and cheese. Created and led by producers, they value their know-how in the service of consumers.

The key figures of La Coopération Agricole Laitière in 2025

Our business environment
The Agricultural cooperation anticipates future challenges through a forward-looking approach and works towards innovative solutions. It provides a framework for dairy cooperatives in their diversity and represents them within the Agricultural cooperation and the three French dairy sectors:
CNIEL (National Interprofessional Centre for Dairy Economics),
ANICAP (National Interprofessional Association Caprine)
and FBL (France Brebis Dairy).
In this context, its role is to:
- Promote a vision of the dairy and cooperative world through a forward-looking approach aimed at anticipating future challenges and proposing innovative solutions.
- Make available to its network the multidisciplinary expertise of the team of La Coopération Agricole Laitière and the services of ATLA (Association de la Transformation Milkière Française).
- Act by encouraging the sharing of experiences and creating synergies to better represent the interests of dairy cooperatives within the inter-occupations of which she is a member.
Mutualised expertise for dairy cooperatives
ATLA (French Dairy Processing Association) is a mutualised service of the two dairy processing colleges, the FNIL (private milk) and the dairy cooperation. Atla brings together 9 experts in economics, social relations and regulatory and scientific technical affairs.
They are in regular contact with dairy processors to:
- Come in support of needs expressed by enterprises
- Establish common positions and represent their interests.

Our presence in France
1 210 000 - 1 800 000
500 000 - 1 800 800
250 000 - 500 000
150 000 - 250 000
70 000 - 150 000
< 70 000 L
Sites (cooperative headquarters and industrial sites)