Our mission

Be a key player in the French dairy sectors and in La Coopération Agricole

La Coopération Agricole Laitière's mission is to represent the interests of French dairy cooperatives to ensure their development and sustainability in a constantly changing environment. The trades of the cooperatives in our network are the collection of milk (cow, goat and sheep), processing into dairy products and marketing them. We serve the collective through information, advice and project support.

“Support and promotion of cooperatives”

“Support and promotion of cooperatives”

Defense of interests and representation of cooperatives

Defense of interests and representation of cooperatives

Creation of links and collective tools for members

Creation of links and collective tools for members

Serving dairy cooperatives and their partners-cooperators

La Coopération Agricole Laitière works daily to:

  • Provide technical, regulatory, economic, legal, tax, social and image support.
  • Representing collective interests in professional, inter-professional, local, national and European bodies while remaining responsive to civil society.
  • Promote the interests and assets of dairy cooperatives to the public authorities and value our unique model, based on cooperation, solidarity and transparency.

Linking all

Our mission and service, is to make the link between dairy cooperatives to exchange good practices, to initiate work, to create tools and approaches that serve all member companies. It is also connecting all organizations in our agriculture and agri-food world to represent dairy cooperatives, to convey our vision of the dairy and cooperative world, to finally allow us to have a forward-looking approach and to carry a vision.

Pascal Le Brun

"Dairy cooperatives are key players in the competitiveness of the dairy sector and the economic development of the territories. They actively contribute to the resilience of the French food system. Our mission is to represent, defend and accompany them as closely as possible to their collective interests. »

Pascal Le Brun

President of La Coopération Agricole Milkière

Together, let's build a united, sustainable and prosperous dairy sector.
